- Meeting House Hill Cemetery is an independent, nonprofit 501(C)(3) corporation.
- Purchase of plots does not guarantee usability. If a plot is not viable for burial, a substitution will be made if available.
- All lot sales are final. The cemetery has a “no buyback” policy.
- The transfer of previously sold lots requires presentation of the original deed on back of which is written: “I hereby transfer lot # or portion of lot #(designate grave numbers) to:”
- Name of new owner, address, and phone number
- Date of transfer
- Signature of original owner, his or her heirs or assigns
- No person shall be recognized as owner or part owner unless so recorded by the authorized agent of the Company.
- No monument or markers shall be placed on any lot until said lot is paid in full. Monuments must not exceed 4′ and will be placed on the west side of the lot for uniformity. Monument foundation should be at least 3-1/2′ deep. Placement must be coordinated with the Sexton.
- Corner markers are required. Deeds will not be issued until purchase of corner markers is verified.
- Vaults are required for full burials to stabilize surrounding monuments and earth. In the case of a “natural burial” the cover will be removed, the 5-sided vault inverted, open-side down, surrounding the deceased to allow for natural decomposition.
- Any planting must be approved by the Sexton.
- Company will not be responsible for maintaining trees, shrubs, or plantings, but retains the right to cut back growth that is encroaching on adjacent lots or has become unruly.
- No plantings are allowed behind (west side) of monuments as each lot abuts.
- The caretaker will have the right to remove all flowers as soon as they fade or become unsightly.
- No artificial flowers or ornamentation will be permitted. Exceptions are made for holidays. All holiday embellishments and decorations must be removed by families within one week following the holiday, after which time they will be removed by cemetery staff.
- Cemetery staff cannot be held responsible for any items left on graves. Mementos placed on monument bases are discouraged as the groundskeepers will be unable to blow off grass clippings that accumulate during maintenance.
- A fee will be payable to MHHC at the time of interment for full burial or cremation in addition to the fee for preparing the gravesite.
- Winter burials are permitted. Family will be responsible for snow removal charges.
- Cemetery gates will open at 8 am and be locked at sunset, or at the discretion of the caretaker during the months of April through October.
- The gates will be locked for car access during the winter months.